Sunday, March 7, 2010

parent-of-retarded-kids discounts.

I asked the guy at the counter of the new frozen yogurt store if there was a special rate for people with developmental disabilities. I was being serious. Parents of kids with cognitive challenges think this thought often I'm sure, they just don't say it. All the hidden costs of raising Forrest is astronomical. If you add up all the broken and lost items, the repairs, the upstairs floor replacement after repeatedly flushing his grandfather's clogged toilet. Oh that was bad. We were sitting in the dining room having breakfast when all of a sudden water was dripping from the chandelier. My father and his wife turned down my offer to pay the contractors. 4K I think. Thanks dad.

I was treating the whole family to the new serve-yourself yogurt place on Hawthorne. Swirl. It was a very warm sunny weekend and I wanted to do something special for the kids. You pay by the ounce and Forrest couldn't control himself. All those flavors and topping choices. Okay maybe it was my fault. This is exactly why I NEVER take him to buffets. His concoction was over $8. We all managed to keep our bowls in the 3 - 4 dollar range as Forrest eyes grew bigger and bigger. I tried to do portion control in public, and I sounded like a very bad mother. Embarrassed and frustrated,I did what every parent wants to do. I asked for the parent-of-a-retarded-kid discount. The guy showed me some empathy as he rung up the total. $26.24. He kindly offered me a frequent customer punch card. He punched all 10 of the slots. It's hiding in my wallet for the next time I go there. By myself.


  1. Hey that punched card for my visit will ya? haha

  2. Of course! Why not? Student discounts and Senior discounts are there for people with low fixed incomes. Why not for people on SSI? Makes sense to me!

  3. Shame on you you loser. Think it's funny to mock the disabled? We're all just one step away from disability. Hope not to hear about you being abused in a home someday. Where's your compassion?
