Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Forrest and the perfect date.

Whenever I take Forrest out, all the women want to dance with him. He gets asked all the time. Forrest has always had this uncanny mimicry for complex moves.He usually wears his tuxedo, like a costume or a uniform and this "impresses the ladies" he says.Just a little shy at first, he starts out somewhat stiff, in the lead position, then he surprises them with his big theatrical bust-a-move grooves. Of course, he can overdo it with the hand on the testicles thing (ala the King of Pop). He embarrasses me with his pelvis thrusting thing. It's kind of gross for a mother to see but gets a laugh from everyone else. He gets in a trance and the women love it. He's a serious dancer. He can lead turns and the basic rock step, to his own beat of course. I watch dumbfounded as good looking women line up to ask him for the next dance. It warms my heart. He's really a great escort, opens doors, lets the women do all the talking, is agreeable to anything, and loves to eat. The last dance we took him to had a finger food table and he came back with 10 chicken wings and the entire plate of cheese. About a 3000 calories, But hey, "I am a growing man!" he explains. Forrest is into pop culture stereotype one liners, but this is his strong suit. He makes us laugh and people can relax around him. I am thinking there are many Portland singles out there who could really benefit from taking Forrest out for a date, he is a "chick magnet" and this could really be a plus for some. And he is safe, he won't do any of those come on moves, he'll want to come home early to his own bed. And you'll laugh all night. What more could you want?

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