Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Take back the R-word or end it?

Forrest does not like to be called , or to call others "stupid". He gets it that when most people use the R-word, it means just that. I tried to take back the word "retard" for the last 25 years. You know, as in "reclaiming" it. I now officially give up. I respectfully hand it over to the younger folks in this country who are advocating for the disappearance of the R-word from everyday put down language. These are youth who have intellectual disabilities and their true friends who really know what it feels like to hear the R-word everyday at school, by their non disabled peers, used in sitcoms on TV and even sometimes, by their families. Ouch. Big OUCH.

Today March 9th is "SPREAD THE WORD TO END THE WORD" Day and I think you should read this blog by Evan Heller, 17, a senior at Attleboro High School in Massachusetts, who has been volunteering and coaching for Special Olympics for eight years.

Love, Mom

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